About Honor

Honor Cooper-Kovács, the owner of tackt, has over 30 years experience working with business executives in international companies across Europe. Honor’s focus lies in supporting leaders to build on strengths, capitalise on differences and foster collaboration. If this is your first visit to the Triggering Excellence in Leadership blog, make sure to get a free copy of my Core Article on the 5 Best Practices to Trigger Excellence in Leadership.

Leadership is Listening! Are you?

How often do you take out your stethoscope? That acoustic device for listening to internal sounds in the body. In the leadership team? In the organisation? In the industry?

By |2017-10-17T09:08:22-04:00October 18th, 2017|Listening|Comments Off on Leadership is Listening! Are you?

Strengths vs. Strengths: a waste of energy!

And very precious energy at that! It’s amazing how much energy is wasted in the land of leadership. Valuable energy. Yet wasted. Unintended. Irreversible. Leadership potential down the drain.

By |2017-04-19T05:55:20-04:00April 19th, 2017|Diversity|Comments Off on Strengths vs. Strengths: a waste of energy!

Leadership is a marathon, not a sprint!

It's a long haul. And it begins and ends with you. And your competency to ensure the organization sustains success. Amidst the only constant: change!

By |2017-04-11T19:18:19-04:00January 18th, 2017|Talents|Comments Off on Leadership is a marathon, not a sprint!

Talents: a wake-up call!

When our talents live us as opposed to us living our talents, then it is time to call a halt. Before all hell breaks loose!

By |2017-04-11T19:18:19-04:00November 16th, 2016|Talents|Comments Off on Talents: a wake-up call!
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